Monday, January 10, 2011

Reflections on Xanga

I decided to go back and read my old xanga posts for some entertainment, and it has been quite an experience.

The concept of a public blog, like this one, is interesting.  I'm not a super private person, but I have never been comfortable sharing personal information in an overly public forum.  I'm not the kind of person who considers details of my life to be everybody else's business!  It's funny... I remember things that happened during the time I was using xanga (basically from sophomore year through the beginning of senior year), and I intentionally neglected to document them.  I wish I kept a diary, too, so that I could compare the public and private versions of my life.

The same kind of thing is bound to happen with this blog.  Even if I do write about some parts of my life, I will almost certainly choose to not disclose other parts.  It's not even that anything I do is bad; it's just that ANYBODY can read it.  I put things on my Twitter (which is private) that I wouldn't put on Facebook, but I am more okay with over sharing on Twitter because I know exactly who will be able to read my tweets.

Anyway, we'll just have to see what direction this handy new blog of mine takes.  All I know for certain is that writing it will be cathartic (and that the updates definitely won't be as often once school starts again)!

P.S.  Let me know if I overuse any phrases.  I wish I could go back in time to stop my fifteen year old self from adding "and such" at the end of every single sentence on xanga.  Seriously.

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