Sunday, January 15, 2012

Ciao 2011! Ciao 2012!

Well, I did it once again.  I fell off the face of the blogging earth.

It happens.

But I want to make a little more effort to keep up with this creative outlet in this (still sort of) new year.  Promise!

And what better way to start back than with a cheesy new year’s post?

The beginning of a year is always exciting.  Even though almost nothing inherently changes, other than the date we all write on our papers and checks, there is something liberating about the implied fresh start.

I don’t think I’ve ever been so ready to say goodbye to a year.  2011 was easily the most difficult year of my life.

In 2011 I coped with the loss of my grandmother, narrowly avoided the deadly path of the tornado that devastated Tuscaloosa, went without a car for months, dealt with rejection in what seemed like a never-ending job search, and struggled through my first semester of grad school (with many of my closest friends gone from Tuscaloosa).

The year wasn’t all bad, though.  I got the chance to share an apartment with my little brother (I might have been alone during the tornado if that weren’t the case.), had a fantastic last semester of undergrad with great friends, enjoyed being 21, went to Mardi Gras, met Guster, graduated from The University of Alabama, was the maid of honor in my best friend’s wedding, got a great fellowship for grad school, traveled to exciting places like Alaska and DC and Dallas and New York, finally landed the perfect job (for me), got an adorable new puppy (Louie!), and made beaucoups of new friends.

In spite of everything, someday I’m sure I’ll look back at 2011 and smile.

As for 2012, I hope it’s one of the best years of my life. 

It certainly started out amazingly!  I traveled to New Orleans with my mom, uncle, and brother and witnessed Alabama win its 14th, or 9th if you want to be politically correct, National Championship.  (When I finally upload pictures, that trip will obviously be getting its own post.)

In a way, the rest of 2012 is all laid out for me.  The plan is to work my butt off and finish graduate school in May then move to Cincinnati for my new job sometime in the summer.

I’m keeping my eyes on that ultimate destination, but I plan to enjoy the scenery along the way as much as possible. 

After all, this is more than likely my last semester as a student EVER.  And I am just now getting the hang of it!  (Kidding, mostly.)

These may even be my last few months as a resident of Alabama.  Before you know it, I just might be a card-carrying Yankee!

So here’s to 2012, a year of endings and of beginnings.  I hope to keep you all updated on this crazy journey!